Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I passed maths!

For the first time in my JC life. Maybe cause statistics is too unbearable, I didn't study no shit for it last year. The topics tested for this test were mostly from my Amath knowledge and definitely much more interesting than stats - I swear -

So the first person I sms-ed was Jasmine Tee cause.. cause she's always been teasing me about my math grade so I decided to prove her wrong 8D I don't mean it in a bad manner cause I don't mind and she's just joking, its more of a "HA-HA I PASSED OKAY!!!" thing.

Pleasantly shocked, but I know I'll fail my math CTs anyway. 60% stats and I know no balls, ha-ha. Nonetheless, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!

Sarah, Syairah and I had a good laugh in the art room today (again). Hand us a camera and we'll do the rest of the crap and laughter for you. Didn't accomplish much but we did manage to exercise our stomach muscles/diaphram/lungs/mouth/facial muscles. ROFL. Haven't laughed that much in awhile :D I forsee us doing more stupid stuff in the future.

Sarah's "really?!" and "so cuttteee" is ringing in my head, how?? and the songs that Syairah and I sang on the way to our bus stop too (L)

Panda looking at computer screen


she used to piggyback me too!

wifi + itouch in the art room = (Y)

We did something to ebe's photo and its on facebook.

... the others with us in it are far too unglam.


Haven't been studying with my study mates recently, nor have I mentioned their names in a long while. Its not just about having to do art, I still need more time, sorry.

These days its been I,E,S,A,J,A,B,Y instead of just the five of us band mates like last year. Somehow it gives me less motivation to go, though I really, really like hanging out with all of them. Maybe cause its a big group so I don't feel so funny drawing out. Or it wouldn't make much of a difference even if I did stay.

Also, I know I haven't been too nice/close, and it also feels as though I've missed out on alot within the short one month I've lost with them. Alot.

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